Monday, January 30, 2012

"Shopping" for Orthodontics?

Would you pick a heart surgeon on price alone? Now teeth are not quite life and death, but they do play a huge part in your appearance and well being!

Braces and Invisalign are simply tools. The results that are achieved are entirely dependent upon the skills of the doctor and staff. When evaluating your options, this is the most important factor to consider in your buying decision.

Our doctors are specialists in the field of orthodontics. Trained in all aspects of orthodontic diagnosis and correction, they have the ability to utilize many different techniques to get the best possible results in the minimum amount of time.

Our practice was a pioneer in the use of Invisalign since its inception in 1999 and our disignation as an Elite provider puts us in the top Invisalign practices in the country. Only 1% of orthodontics reach this status.

How We Practice
 Unlike most group practices, treatment at our office is a mutual collaboration, with Dr. Waxler and Dr. Cavanaugh jointly  diagnosing, treatment planning, and treating most of our patients.  We feel that the advantages of multiple insights has been extremely beneficial for our patients.  We do understand, however, that certain patients may desire or require a particular doctor. 
 Where We Come From
Our practice has been around for a very LONG time, over a century.  Dr. Edward Angle is considered around the world to be the father of modern orthodontics.  Among his many accomplishments were the invention of the edgewise appliance which are the "braces" used by the majority of the world's orthodontists, establishing the world's first school for orthodontic education right here in St. Louis in the year 1899 and finally founder and first president of what has become the American Association of Orthodontists which has its headquarters here in St. Louis.  As we traced our origins, we were pleased to discover that our founder and predecessor was this very same Dr. Angle, who started his private orthodontic practice in 1896.  His practice has changed hands and moved locations through the years but has always remained intact.