Why does it matter if my bite is off? My teeth are straight isn't that enough?
The way that your teeth fit together and bite down on one in other is very important to keeping your teeth straight and keeping the aesthetics of your teeth.
Many people think that braces only straighten teeth. Orthodontists not only straighten your teeth but they correct your bite and can help change your profile and facial structure. They help adjust the teeth so that your teeth are in the most perfect position for chewing, speaking, make it easier to keep your teeth clean and also to allow you to smile your best smile.
What do they mean my bite?
The orthodontist evaluate the bite by looking at the placement between the upper and lower teeth when you open and close your mouth naturally. What this allows him to diagnose what treatment will be best for your teeth.
If your bite is corrected it allows all of your teeth to be in the most stable position as possible. It is important for patients to have their bite corrected as well to help keep the teeth straight.
Teeth are supposed to fit together like a zipper. As they become straight, they don't always fit together this way. It takes rubber bands, appliances and cooperation to adjust the bite. When moving teeth cooperation is the key to keeping your perfect bite the way that it is supposed to be.
What happens if I'm doing everything right and it still isn't changing?
Bite problems can be some of the most hard to change. Patients are responsible for most of the changes that happen to the bite. Some of these problems the patient has control of some of them are unconscious problems like tongue or lip habits.
If these problem bites are taking too long to fix, and the patient is or isn't cooperating, sometimes a patient will settle for what we call a "Hollywood Smile," which is Straight teeth with a not so perfect bite. Patients who settle for this type of bite we encourage them to wear a retainer nightly for as long as they would like to keep their teeth straight. These bites just aren't as stable.